Operation Parent: Who They Are, What Do They Do?

Operation Parent started when parents, who needed help and couldn’t find one central source for trustworthy, practical information on tough day-to-day parenting issues. From that, their organization was born.


A platform sourced with the “must know” material for anyone raising teens and preteens, curated from leading experts and our own experiences as parents.

The world our kids are growing up in is different than the one we grew up in. It changes constantly. We keep up with those changes and share the information parents need to know to keep their children healthy and safe. Parents that connect with us learn to:

Raise their awareness and confidence

Initiate meaningful conversations with their child(ren)

Set age appropriate boundaries

Recognize early warning signs

Prevent addiction, bullying, suicide, violence and more

What makes them unique?

It’s personal to them.

They are parents and they have encountered many of these issues on our parenting journey.  They’re passionate about family and want to do all they can to help parents stay connected to their children during the challenging teen and preteen years.

They provide ongoing prevention education.  

Prevention is a process…not a one-time event. Prevention happens when parents are educated and supported along their parenting journey. Operation Parent wants to walk alongside parents throughout their journey and find the best time to connect is in elementary school and stay connected through middle and high school.


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