The latest in our series of Local People, Local Stories, Local Impact, we talked to Vicky East, Program Director for Senior Services in Stokes County about COVID-19 and how it has been impacting the services they provide senior citizens across the county.
The Advocacy Council To Seniors (ACTS) is a United Fund agency.
What are you and your agency doing here in Stokes County to address COVID-19?
Currently our offices are closed to the public. We are currently accepting phones calls and we are providing essential transportation appointments. We are serving our most vulnerable clients Meals on Wheels by offering frozen meal delivery once per week. Meals are delivered Mondays for Walnut Cove, Danbury and Francisco. Meals are delivered Tuesdays for King.
ACTS holiday meal in Francisco
We are offering once a week frozen pick-up for our congregate clients. These are clients would normally attend the sites Monday- Friday for a program and lunch. We offer the same days for congregate pick-up as we do home meal delivery. We are staying in touch with all of our clients via phone each week. We are also giving each client care packets delivered with the meals each week.
Why is it important that out community take these measures?
We are charged with the task of keeping our elderly population as safe and healthy as we possibly can. We are asking everyone to stay home and save lives.
Senior Services Staff with Santa at the last ACTS holiday meal.
It is so important for all of us to do our part and listen to those in charge. Remember you are safe if you are at home with your families. Staying home is important to keep our frontline workers safe so they may return to their families. Remember we are all in this together.
Senior Services serves the most vulnerable population. Much of our clientele suffer from other under lying health conditions. With this COVID-19 pandemic they are more vulnerable and would most likely not survive should they contract the virus.
ACTS holiday meal in Francisco
What is something positive you have seen in the midst of chaos of COVID-19 as we navigate this together?
We have wonderful volunteers that help us deliver meals for our home bound Monday through Friday.
Walking Club from the Walnut Cove Senior Center walking at the Elder Abuse Awareness Walk
Most of these volunteers are over the age of 65 themselves but they did not hesitate when asked if they would come in once per week to deliver the frozen meal boxes to our most frail and needy clients. Not one of them said no. This group of volunteers go above and beyond always willing to step up and help.
I am humbled by their graciousness and their willing to do. They are extraordinary!!! Words cannot express how grateful we are to have this group of people work with us and care for our seniors.
Vicky East, Program Director Senior Services
If you can support Senior Services you can reach them at 336-593-8156