A series dedicated to local stories from local people about the local impact of COVID-19 in Stokes County.
We talk with agencies, providers, organizations and regular citizens of Stokes County to find interesting perspectives during these uncertain times. These stories discuss how COVID19 has directly impacted them while also offering positivity. These are stories that show determination, compassion and a strong community spirit.
“The more veterans I can get in here and I can teach this concept to, the more veterans I can send back to their communities and that is how you ultimately make a big change”
L To R: Shanda Cox, Child Care Resource and Referral Coordinator; Joan Sherif, SPC Board Chair; Shannon Cox, NC Pre-K Coordinator and Program Manager; Wanda Craig, Administrative Assistant and Dolly Parton Imagination Library Coordinator; Arden Browder, SPC Board Member; Cindy Tuttle, Executive Director; Dianne Durham, Workforce Innovation to Support Early Education (WISEE) Coordinator; Anne Moser, Finance Manager; Rep. Kyle Hall, NC House